ESA Education Workshops before the meeting!

Join ESA on July 20th for the ESA Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Extravaganza: A day of workshops to energize your Ecology teaching. Join for one or all three workshops.

11:30-12:30 EDT Syllabus workshop: Aligning Your Teaching with the 4DEE Framework.
1-2:30 EDT Lesson workshop: 12th REEFS: Resources for Ecology Education, Fair and Share
3-430 EDT Assessment
workshop: Assess What’s Important: Creating 4DEE Aligned Assessments That Show How Students Use Their Ecological Knowledge

There is no fee for participating.

ESA Education Section Paper Award
The ESA Education Paper Award is back!  ESA will offer an award (monetary – $100) for the best recently published paper on ecology education.  They encourage submissions that use the 4DEE Framework, but any education focused paper is welcome.  The goal is to highlight new ideas that enhance the teaching of ecology.  Papers will be reviewed by the officers of the Education Section and the Award announced at the Annual Meeting.  Please submit by July 17, 2020.

Elections for the next chair of the ESA Education Section!
ESA is asking for people to volunteer to serve the Education Section as Chair-Elect for the year starting after the annual meeting in August 2020.  The Chair-Elect becomes the Chair the following year and serves as the Past-Chair the year after that.  If you are interested in serving, write a couple of sentences about yourself and send them to  Electronic ballots will be sent to the section membership shortly after July 17. Officers should plan to attend the annual meeting in 2021 (ESA does note reimburse officers for attending).  If you have questions please contact Jennifer Doherty, (Chair) or Tracy Gartner, (Chair-Elect). 

ESA Virtual Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be virtual August 3-6.

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