Call for Workshop Proposals

We invite proposals for workshops for the 2022 UFERN Virtual Network Meeting. Workshops offer participants an opportunity to learn new skills through interactive instruction or dive into a research or other topic in a 90-minute format. Workshops are interactive and informal and can involve extended discussion, collaboration opportunities, or hands-on training.  It is also appropriate to give participants a “taste” of a longer training or possible collaborative topic that could be followed up on in the future.

We are looking for workshops that focus on Diversity, Equity, Access, and/or Inclusion in undergraduate field education or workshops that foster interdisciplinary collaborations between practitioners (e.g., faculty and program directors) and the social sciences.

Submission deadline is November 29, 2021, 5pm pacific time. Following the deadline, we will notify you about whether your workshop proposal is accepted by November 30th, 2021. The UFERN Meeting will be on January 27th and 28th, 2022. Depending on how many workshop proposals we receive, workshops could be either day of the meeting.