2021 UFERN Network Meeting

The 2021 Annual Network meeting took place virtually on March 1st, 2nd, and 5th. 126 people attended at least one of the sessions, our largest meeting yet! Session topics included the future of UFERN, virtual field learning experiences, interdisciplinary research related to affective outcomes of undergraduate field experiences, invited panel discussion “What is the Field is and Who is in It?”, and workshops related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) in undergraduate field experiences. In a post-meeting survey, participants reported that they found the interdisciplinary networking and collaboration valuable and appreciated the inclusive atmosphere and genuine focus on DEIA.

If you would like to get involved in UFERN please sign up for our listserv.

Many helpful resources were shared during the UFERN Network Meeting, including presentations, articles, and other resources suggested by participants. They are available here.

Special thanks go out to all the UFERN members who helped make the meeting a big success, especially the volunteer organizing committee: Itchung Cheung, Susan Flowers, Paul Foster, and Alexandra Race.

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